"An artist's persistence, resilience, and willingness to take creative risks can lead to the discovery of unique themes and styles within the realm of portraiture.”
Jonathan Yeo
On the 24th January 2024 Jonathan Yeo became the latest name to join BBC Maestro’s online platform of world-class experts. Widely regarded as one of the leading portrait artists of his generation, Jonathan’s course, Portrait Painting, explores the numerous processes and techniques essential to bringing a canvas to life. With an illustrious career spanning over two decades, Jonathan’s extensive portfolio of work has captivated art enthusiasts and collectors worldwide. His portraits feature prominent figures from the world of art, politics, and entertainment. His works have exhibited in The National Portrait Gallery and Royal Academy of Arts in London, Circle Culture Gallery in Berlin, The Museum of National History in Denmark, SMC Art Gallery in South Africa, Marina Bay Sands Centre in Singapore, Art Central and The Cat Street Gallery in Hong Kong, Lazarides in Los Angeles, 284 Bowery and Joshua Liner Gallery in New York, and The Smithsonian in Washington DC.
“The purpose of this course is first and foremost, to inspire. Whether you are a complete beginner or a working artist looking to take your career to the next level, my hope is that by learning about my specific and slightly eccentric practice, you will learn new techniques, be emboldened by the medium of paint, and be galvanised to give it a go.”
Gain an exclusive look at the entire portrait painting process as Jonathan invites multi-award-winning actor, Giancarlo Esposito into his studio. Key collaborative moments between the artist and subject are showcased across the course, from initial study to final sitting and portrait reveal. Throughout his lessons, Jonathan delves into the skills needed to capture likeness, expression, and form. The course offers practical advice on canvas preparation, colour theory, lighting and positioning the subject, and correcting mistakes as you paint. Drawing from his own experience as a self-taught artist, Jonathan guides participants through the essentials of portraiture, building their confidence to experiment with new styles, materials, and compositions. Practical advice is shared on who to paint (and how to approach them), ensuring a good sitter experience, and recommendations on how to continue and progress a career in the world of art.
“Painting a portrait is the process of creating an image that is not a static, frozen moment like a photograph but rather a collage of different observations and marks made over time. When successful, the result should feel like there’s a living, breathing person emerging from the canvas.”
Jonathan’s course on Portrait Painting is available now via bbcmaestro.com. The BBC Maestro platform features a series of extended, in-depth lessons filmed in 4K with an eclectic mix of prestigious experts. It allows participants to explore new areas of learning from the comfort of their own home. The commercial online education platform developed and operated by Maestro Media Ltd offers individual courses which can be purchased for £79, and annual subscriptions for £120.
“There is a lot of pressure early on to find your own style, but the reality is that discovering who you are as an artist is a continuous journey. I've always believed that experimentation makes you a better artist and you never know where inspiration will come from”
Lesson 1 – Intro. Jonathan outlines the course, and what he hopes you will learn from it.
Lesson 2 – A Brief History of the Portraitist. Jonathan gives his take on portrait styles throughout history and how each has moved the craft forwards.
Lesson 3 – Initial Study: Part One. Be a fly on the wall as Jonathan Yeo begins a brand-new portrait, with Giancarlo Esposito.
Lesson 4 – Canvas Preparation. In this lesson, Jonathan teaches you how to prepare your canvas for a smoother painting experience.
Lesson 5 – Composition. Jonathan shares what goes into figuring out a portrait’s composition in order to achieve its full potential.
Lesson 6 – Choosing a Subject. In this lesson, Jonathan shares his advice and insights on finding the right subject for your work.
Lesson 7 – Lighting your subject. Jonathan explains the various ways to express your artistic vision by getting just the right lighting.
Lesson 8 – How to Start a Portrait. In this lesson, Jonathan shares helpful tips and insights on how to (more) confidently make a start on your first portrait.
Lesson 9 – Initial Study: Part Two. The follow-up of your fly on the wall experience watching Jonathan paint Giancarlo.
Lesson 10 – Beginnings and Education. Jonathan talks you through his own path to becoming a portraitist.
Lesson 11 – Explaining my Style. Jonathan explains the evolution of his unique, and sometimes controversial, style.
Lesson 12 – Layers. Jonathan explains how to build and perfect your portrait by painting layers.
Lesson 13 – Colour and Tone. Jonathan shows you how to use and mix the different colours on your palette to achieve your desired effect.
Lesson 14 – Light, Shade & Tone. In this lesson, Jonathan explains his approach to capturing different variations of light, shade and tone in a portrait.
Lesson 15 – Final Sitting: Part One. After much careful work, Jonathan nears the completion of Giancarlo’s portrait.
Lesson 16 – Achieving a Likeness. Jonathan guides you through how to approach painting the specific facial features and expressions that help capture a person's essence.
Lesson 17 – Hands. Beginner or intermediate, many artists tend to struggle with drawing realistic hands. Jonathan breaks down his approach to painting them.
Lesson 18 – Knowing When a Portrait is Finished. Jonathan unpacks the sometimes difficult process of deciding when a portrait is finished.
Lesson 19 – Studio Introduction. Jonathan talks us through the equipment and materials in his studio.
Lesson 20 – Materials. Jonathan explains the pros and cons of different painting materials you could use to make your artistic vision happen.
Lesson 21 – Final Sitting: Part Two. Jonathan completes his portrait of Giancarlo, and the pair reflect on the finished work and shared experience.
Lesson 22 – Photography as a Tool. Putting down the paintbrush, Jonathan expands on the fantastic utility of photography in portraiture.
Lesson 23 – Experimentation with Portraiture. By playing with different formats and new materials, Jonathan discusses how modern technologies have helped grow his own artistic abilities.
Lesson 24 – Self-Portraits. Jonathan breaks down the practice of self-portraiture, if nothing else, as a means to practice and hone your craft.
Lesson 25 – Final Sitting: Part Three. Jonathan reveals his final portrait of Giancarlo Esposito, and the pair discuss the artwork in depth.
Lesson 26 – Tips on How to Progress. Jonathan gives you his very own insights, tips, and advice on how to advance your artistic career.
Lesson 27 – Conclusion. Jonathan wraps up the course with some finishing touches, and the key things he hopes you take away from your learning experience.